In theory, a PORCELAIN type from the Republic of Georgia usually sporting 4 to 7 very large cloves. Like German Extra Hardy, 4 to 6 heads, and Georgian Fire Garlic can weigh a pound. The large white heads are a bit flatter than German Extra Hardy, and have distinct very sturdy dense root systems.The drought and heat tolerance of Georgian Fire Garlic is impressive, and the deep roots are the obvious key to this unique character. This does lend to the story of a central Asian origin. Standard Porcelain sturdy tall stalk, dark green leaves, and thick succulent garlic scapes. Flavor is very very spicy when raw, pure garlic FIRE, not bitter. Cooked, Georgian Fire Garlic maintains a very solid pleasing garlic presence. My strain came from Roberta Bailey of Seven Tree Farm, Maine…maybe ten years ago? She’s had it for a while, and maybe Alison & Paul LaCourse of Maine Potato Lady before that? The sands of time….
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